Sometimes it can be tough to manage your blog when you work full time, the demands of day to day life can take over. Here's how I manage to keep on top.

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  1. Managing my time is the biggest issue I have with blogging. I work full time and have a full life with family, side hustles, blogging, and volunteer commitments. I tend to over schedule myself and I honestly prefer to be busy, but I get burned out and will go weeks without blogging. I have been blogging since 2011 yet have never made it a priority to get on an editorial calendar and stick to it. But these tips help and they remind me of how I got through college and grad school. Just using whatever time I had, wherever I had it. That’s how I got all my assignments done and that can be how I get blog posts written too 🙂 Thanks!

    1. I completely understand the over scheduling thing – I do it all the time!! I have literally got so much on my plate for the next few days AND I’m still scheduling in coffee catch ups (with family so it’s a definite priority). I bet if you made blogging a priority you’d find bits of time all over the place to get it done – as you said, you’ve done it before with assignments. Good luck lovely – I look forward to seeing what you come up with. xo

  2. I loved this post! I just started back working full-time and also run a blog and freelance, and have two toddlers haha! Life is busy and balancing all of it sure is tough, but it’s worth it. I eventually want my blog to be my full-time income, so I look at it as being a ton of work now but for a big reward later.

    Thanks for the tips!!

  3. I love this post! I’ve been neglecting my blog for…gulp…months, due to lack of time, exhaustion and just plain not wanting to look at a computer screen after staring at one for 8 hours. Balancing is key and it’s time to get back on the horse. Thanks for the tips!!

    1. Congratulations for getting back into it!!! Trust me – once you hit publish on that next post you’ll feel amazing! I understand needing a break from the computer screen – maybe try traditional methods of writing, pen and paper, to give your eyes a break? Be sure to send me a link to your post once it’s up! I’d love to see it 🙂

  4. Thanks for writing this post. I am a single mom who works full time. I am struggling to find time to maintain my blog onto of all the other things I have going on. Thank you for the suggestions.

  5. Overscheduling is a huge problem for me too, but you’re so right about outsourcing! I recently started outsourcing and it’s seriously been helpful!

  6. Krystal, thank you so much for this post. I’ve been having a really hard time focusing my free time into tasks. I’m thinking that maybe if I write a list of things I need to get done will keep be better focused. This was such a thoughtful and encouraging post. It is possible!

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