61 Best Journal Prompts For New Moms (Postpartum and Motherhood)
New motherhood is tough. You’re sleep-deprived, hormones are wreaking havoc on your emotions, and you suddenly have a tiny human being who is completely dependent on you for survival.
It’s no wonder that so many women feel like they’re losing their minds in those first few weeks and months.
Journaling can be a lifesaver during this chaotic time, especially if you use journal prompts for new moms that are specifically designed to help you focus on different areas of motherhood and your sense of self.
While we often hear of creating a journaling routine for personal growth, the simple act of writing your thoughts and feelings down, even if you just brain dump everything onto a page, can be a powerful tool, especially during transformative times in our life (of which, I think it’s fairly safe to say entering motherhood is possibly one of the most transformative experiences in life).
Why You Should Start Journaling As A New Mom
If you’re not a journaler, you may be wondering why you should start now, especially when you have so much else going on.
I understand new mothers have enough on their plates, and sometimes the idea of writing journal entries, especially in those first weeks after your babe is born, can just feel like too much.
But trust me, journaling can be a game-changer for moms, especially during their postpartum experience.
Not only will it give you a much-needed outlet for all the emotions you’re currently experiencing, but it can also help you make sense of your new identity as a mother, set goals for yourself, and track your baby’s development.
Plus, it’s a great way to document this amazing (and challenging) time in your life so you can look back on it with fondness (and maybe even a little bit of amusement) down the road.
But, to be more specific, here are some of the benefits of journaling and why you should start today.
It Helps You Process Your Thoughts and Feelings
Becoming a mother is a huge life transition. It’s normal to feel a wide range of emotions, from elation and love to fear and anxiety.
Journaling can help you make sense of these feelings and understand what’s going on inside your head.
Dumping all your thoughts onto paper (or your computer screen) can also provide some much-needed relief from the constant chatter in your brain.
A great thing you can do, especially in the early days of your postpartum recovery, is to write about your birth experience. It’s amazing how quickly we forget details, and writing down your birth experience, even if it’s simply to document it and come back to process it all later, can be a great starting point for your new journaling habit.
It Gives You Some “Me Time”
With a baby comes around-the-clock responsibilities. It’s hard to find time to yourself, but it’s important to do things that make you happy and remind you of who you are as an individual—not just a mom.
Journaling is a low-commitment activity that you can easily fit into your schedule, even if it’s just for five or ten minutes at a time.
Plus, the act of finding time for yourself is actually a really important thing.
One of the most challenging things for postpartum moms (and all moms really) is being able to find time for yourself.
It can be so easy to overlook, but getting into the habit of making time for yourself each day, even if it’s just 5 minutes first thing in the morning, may seem like a little thing now, but it’s actually a really important part of self-care that will benefit you in the long run.
It Boosts Your Mood and Energy Levels
Writing about the good things in your life—even if they seem small—can help increase your happiness and gratitude levels.
In turn, this can lead to more energy and motivation to take care of yourself and your family.
And taking care of yourself is crucial to being able to take care of others effectively.
It Can Be Therapeutic
If you’re struggling with postpartum depression or anxiety, journaling can be therapeutic.
Putting your thoughts and feelings into words can help lessen their power over you and provide some much-needed perspective.
Writing about the positive aspects of motherhood can also remind you of the joys of parenting when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
How To Start Journaling (Even When You Don’t Know What To Write About)
Now that you know the benefits of journaling, you may be feeling motivated to start your own motherhood journal. But where do you begin?
If you’re not used to journaling, it can be tough to think of things to write about.
Here are some tips to help you get started:
- Set aside some time each day, even if it’s just for a few minutes.
- Find a quiet place to write where you won’t be interrupted.
- Write stream-of-consciousness style—don’t worry about grammar or sentence structure, just let the words flow.
- If you get stuck, try using prompts (like the ones below) to jump-start your writing.
- Keep your journal private if you’re worried about being judged. You can always shred it or delete it later if you change your mind.
And with that, here are 61 of the best journal prompts for new moms:
Daily Journaling Prompts For All Moms
These prompts are designed to be ones you can use altogether, or focus on any single one. They’re questions we should be asking ourselves each day, but with the demands of motherhood, can be easily overlooked.
Journaling your answers to these questions can help you to notice patterns and places you may need to focus more attention or ask for more help.
1 – What was the best part of my day?
2 – What was the worst part of my day?
3 – What am I feeling today? (Angry? Anxious? Sad? Happy? Exhausted?)
4 – What do I need right now? (Some peace and quiet? A nap? A helpful partner?)
5 – What are my top three priorities for tomorrow?
6 – How did I take care of myself today? (Did I shower? Eat breakfast?)
7 – How did I connect with my partner today? (Did we have a date night? A heart-to-heart conversation?)
8 – How did I connect with my baby today? (Did I spend some quality time snuggling?)
9 – What am I grateful for today?
10 – What challenges did I face today and how did I overcome them?
Journal Prompts For Postpartum And The Fourth Trimester
The first 12 weeks after your baby is born is often referred to as the ‘fourth trimester’ and is a stage where you’re getting used to having a newborn, and your new babe is getting used to life outside the womb (it can be pretty cold, bright, and loud out here).
This time can be both wonderful and challenging, as you’re getting to know your new baby and adjusting to life with a little one, as well as figuring out new things about yourself and your new role (even if you’ve been through the postpartum stage before).
These journal prompts are designed to help you process your experience of the fourth trimester and identify any areas you may need help with.
1 – How am I feeling about my body after childbirth? What are some things about my body that I’m incredibly proud of?
2 – What are the ups and downs of my mood like right now? Do I notice any triggers for these changes in mood?
3 – How am I sleeping? Do I need more rest time?
4 – What are my biggest worries right now?
5 – What are my biggest joys right now?
6 – What’s something about the fourth trimester that surprised me?
7 – How am I coping with the demands of motherhood?
8 – When do I feel most supported? (By my partner? Family? Friends?)
9 – When do I feel most isolated? How can I feel less isolated in this situation?
10 – What am I doing to take care of myself? (Eating well? Gently moving my body? Seeing women’s health specialists?)
11 – What do I need more help with right now? (Childcare? Housework?)
12 – How is my relationship with my partner changing? What do I love about this? What concerns me about this?
13 – How is my relationship with my baby changing? What changes am I noticing as we move through the weeks after birth?
14 – Am I being supported in what I want as a new mom? If not, where can I find that support?
15 – What are some things I want to remember about this time?
Be sure when answering these questions, you’re really thinking about what YOUR thoughts, feelings, and emotions are – not what you believe anyone else expects or wants of you.
Your journal is your safe space, the perfect place for you to just be you.
Journal Prompts For Moms In The First Year
The first year with your new baby is a big one, full of lots of firsts (first smile, first steps, first time sleeping through the night – just to name a few!) and plenty of challenges, too.
This is a time when you’re getting to know your baby and developing a parenting style that works for both of you. It’s normal to feel like you’re constantly learning and adjusting during this time.
These journal prompts are designed to help you process your experience of the first year with a new baby and identify any areas you may need help with.
1 – How am I feeling about motherhood in general? What are the best and worst parts of my day?
2 – Am I getting enough time for myself? If not, what can I do to make more time for myself?
3 – What are my biggest worries right now? How can I address these worries?
4 – What are some of my parenting beliefs that differ from mainstream beliefs? How can I hold true to my parenting beliefs and values?
5 – What am I most proud of in myself so far as a mother?
6 – What are my biggest joys right now?
7 – What are some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced so far as a mother? How did I overcome them?
8 – How has my relationship with my partner changed since becoming a parent? What do I love about this change? What concerns me about this change?
9 – How has my relationship with my family and friends changed since becoming a parent? What do I love about this change? What concerns me about this change?
10 – What do I need more help with right now? (Childcare? Housework? Self-care?)
11 – How am I doing with self-care? What are some things I’m doing to take care of myself?
12 – What’s something I want to remember about this time?
13 – What are my goals for the next year as a mother? What steps can I take to achieve these goals?
14 – How do I feel I have changed in myself since becoming a mother? Do I recognize or identify with the ‘pre-kids’ version of me?
15 – What does being a ‘good mom’ mean to me? What has influenced this idea and belief?
Journal Prompts For Moms With Older Children
If you’re a mom with older children (for this example, I’m referring to children who are simply beyond the baby stage), you know that the challenges and joys of motherhood change and evolve as your children grow.
These journal prompts are designed to help you process your experience of mothering older children and identify any areas you may need help with.
1 – How do I feel about motherhood in general? What are the best and worst parts of my day? Is there anything I can do to make the hard times more manageable?
2 – How much time do I spend with my kids on a daily basis? Is this the amount of time I want to be spending with them?
3 – What are my concerns and worries right now when it comes to my children? How can I address these worries?
4 – What are some of the joys I’m currently experiencing with my children?
5 – What am I most proud of in myself as a mother?
6 – What is one thing I want to change about myself as a mother? What steps can I take to make this change?
7 – What are some of the biggest challenges I’ve faced so far as a mother? What steps can I take to make this change?
8 – What beliefs or ideas did I have about motherhood before I had children, that are vastly different now?
9 – What beliefs or ideas did I have about motherhood before I had children that still remain true?
10 – What is something I wish all new moms knew or understood about motherhood?
11 – What do I want my legacy as a mother to be?
12 – What is one lesson I hope my children remember in life?
13 – What is one memory I want to always remember about this stage of mothering my children?
14 – How have my priorities changed since becoming a mother?
15 – What are some things I want to do with my kids before they grow up and leave home?
16 – How have I grown as a mother since becoming one?
17 – What are some things I’ve learned about myself since becoming a mother?
18 – What are some things I want to change about my relationship with my kids?
19 – What are some things I can do to create more joy in my life as a mother?
20 – How can I show more love to my children?
21 – What are some things I can do to better connect with my kids?
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re a new parent, working your way through the postpartum period, or simply wanting a way to track life changes and special moments, journaling can have such a positive impact on your emotional well-being and overall happiness as a mom.
There’s no right or wrong way to approach these writing prompts – simply allow yourself the space to write and explore whatever comes up for you.
The goal is simply to get in touch with your thoughts and feelings about motherhood, so that you can better understand and take care of yourself.
If you find that you’re struggling with any of the topics covered in these journal prompts, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
There are many resources available to mothers who need support, and you deserve to get the help you need.