How To Write Affirmations: Complete Guide To Creating Daily Affirmations
We have all heard of how powerful affirmations can be, and how using affirmations can have a positive impact on our health, our emotional wellbeing, our self-confidence, and our ability to switch to a more positive focus.
But did you know that one of the most powerful ways to see the positive effect affirmations have on our life is by taking time to write our own affirmations, and then repeating these affirmations daily.
By using our own words when writing positive affirmations, we can truly begin to see the power daily affirmations can have in transforming our mindset, and even our reality.
Before we learn how to write affirmations, we need to understand what an affirmation is, and how to use them in a healthy way to influence our belief structure, our understanding of self, and how affirmations work in a subconscious way to help us achieve our goals and have a more successful life.
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome negative and self-destructive thoughts.
When you say affirmations out loud, or even just to yourself, they can help to reprogram your subconscious mind so that you start to believe in the positive message that they contain.
This can then lead to improved mental health, increased self-confidence, and better overall well-being.
Read More: What Are Affirmations And How Do You Use Them Properly?

Why Are Affirmations So Powerful?
The power of affirmations comes from their ability to help create new neural pathways in your brain, literally rewiring and reprogramming the way you think, the way you see yourself, and others, and the way you view your place in this world.
If you have negative beliefs about yourself, then these will likely be holding you back in life and making it difficult for you to achieve your goals.
By repeating affirmations on a daily basis, you can start to break down these negative beliefs and replace them with more positive and empowering ones.
Benefits Of Daily Affirmations
There are many benefits to be gained from repeating affirmations on a daily basis.
Some of the most common benefits include:
- improved mental health and well-being
- increased self-confidence
- better focus and concentration
- improved sleep quality
- reduced stress levels
- increased motivation
- improved relationships
- better physical health.
Read More: 10 Benefits Of Affirmations (And Why You Should Use Them)

How To Write Your Own Affirmations
There are a few key things to consider when you write your affirmations to ensure you are using them in a positive way, and not accidentally using them to affirm negative thoughts.
1 – Use Present Tense
When you write your affirmations, it is important to use the present tense. This helps your subconscious mind to believe that the thing you are affirming is already true.
For example, rather than writing “I will be more confident”, you would write “I am confident”.
2 – Use Positive Statements
Your affirmations should always be expressed in a positive way. This means avoiding any negative words or phrases such as “don’t”, “not”, “can’t”, etc.
For example, rather than writing “I don’t procrastinate”, you would write “I take action immediately”.
3 – Be Specific
When you write your affirmations, make sure they are specific to what you want to achieve. This will help your subconscious mind to better understand what it is you are trying to achieve.
For example, rather than writing “I am successful”, you would write “I am taking action each day towards achieving my goals”.
4 – Make Them Personal
Your affirmations should be personal to you and your unique situation. This will help to make them more effective as they will be more relevant to you and your life.
For example, rather than writing “people are kind to me”, you would write “my friends and family are supportive and loving”.

5 – Keep Affirmation Statements Simple And Focused
Your affirmations should be short, sweet, and to the point. This will help to make them more effective as they will be easier for your subconscious mind to digest and believe.
For example, rather than writing “my life is perfect just the way it is, and I wake up every day in awe of all the good things that surround me and my family”, you could write “I am grateful for all the good in my life”.
6 – Make Your Affirmations Believable
In order for your affirmations to be effective, they need to be believable. This means making sure they are realistic and achievable.
For example, rather than writing “I am a millionaire”, you could write “I am attracting opportunities to make more money”, or even “money flows to me with abundance and ease”
Believing your affirmations can sometimes be a little difficult, however, if they are realistic, repeating your affirmations every day will help reinforce them and your brain will start to believe them more and more over time. This is just one of the many things that makes using affirmations such a powerful habit.
7 – Start Simple
Using starters like “I am…” or “It is safe for me…” can help get you started when you’re having trouble coming up with ideas. Simple words like “I am…” help keep your affirmations in the present, while also setting you up to create a powerful and positive statement.
While it might sound like a complicated process when you’re first learning the art of writing affirmations, once you get used to the flow and structure, the words will come easily and you’ll find yourself being able to create new affirmations with ease.
Examples Of Positive Affirmations
Here are a few examples of positive affirmations that you can use in your daily life:
- I am confident and deserving of success.
- I am surrounded by love and support.
- I am healthy and my body is strong.
- I am taking action towards my goals each day.
- I am in control of my emotional health and take time to focus on myself.
- I move my body in healthy ways and am grateful for the power it has.
- I achieve all goals I create for myself.
- I have the power to make my dreams my reality.
- I radiate positive energy.
- My words have power, the words I speak become my reality.
- All that I desire is already mine.
Below you’ll find a more comprehensive list of affirmations that you can choose from and use daily, or use as a guide to creating your own affirmation statement or phrases.

How To Write Affirmations For Specific Situations (With Examples)
Writing your own affirmations can be quite an emotional and personal process, and the types of affirmations that resonate will differ from person to person.
While the ability to create and make affirmations that are personalized and specific to your life is incredibly powerful, keep in mind that this can be deep energy work and give yourself space to practice, expand, and grow as you write affirmations for yourself.
With that being said, you can also write affirmations that are specific to certain situations in your life, and what is going on in your world.
You can then create your own categories of affirmations that you can refer to anytime you notice negative thoughts creeping in and you want to replace them with positive thoughts.
It could be a good idea to keep an affirmation notebook that you use to write down any affirmations, phrases, or statements that come to mind as you think of them.
You can use the following affirmations as ideas or as a starting point when learning how to write powerful affirmations for yourself. Some ideas for specific situations or different affirmation categories include:
Affirmations For Health and Wellbeing
- I am taking care of my body and it shows in my vitality.
- I love and appreciate my body just the way it is.
- My physical health is a priority to me and I make time for self-care.
- I am willing to put in the work to achieve my health goals.
- I make healthy choices that serve my higher self.
- I am grateful for all my body is able to achieve.

Affirmations For Achieving Your Goals
- I am taking steps each day to achieve my goals daily.
- I attract opportunities that help me move closer to my goals.
- I am confident and capable of achieving anything I set my mind to.
- I am grateful for the success I have achieved.
- I enjoy the process and know that success is on its way.
- It is safe for me to share what I desire and work towards my dreams.
- I allow all I desire to flow to me with ease and am grateful that success is already mine.

Affirmations For Letting Go Of Negativity
- I am grateful for what I have in this moment.
- I am committed to my own happiness.
- I let go of anything that no longer serves me.
- I am open to new opportunities and experiences.
- I release judgment, anger, and resentment towards myself and others.
- I surround myself with people who support me and believe in me.
- I choose powerful words that speak only to my higher self.
- I pay attention to my emotional needs, and release any negative emotions.

Affirmations For Gratitude
- I am grateful for all the abundance in my life.
- I have everything I need to be happy and successful.
- I am surrounded by love and support.
- I am grateful for the things I have, even if they are small.
- I am grateful for my ability to see the positive in every situation.
- I am grateful for all the good that is coming my way.
- I am grateful for the lessons I have learned, even if they were difficult.
Read More: 60 Powerful Gratitude Affirmations For A Positive Outlook

Affirmations For Happiness
- I allow myself to be happy and successful.
- I take steps to ensure my emotional needs are met daily.
- I allow myself to feel my emotions, even if they are difficult.
- I am open to new possibilities and experiences and welcome them with happiness and excitement.
- I know that I am worthy of happiness.
- I deserve to be happy and successful.
- Happiness is a choice I make daily.

Affirmations For When Motherhood Is Hard
- I am grateful for my children and the joy they bring me.
- I am doing the best I can with what I have.
- I love being a mother and cherish this time with my children.
- I am patient, kind, and loving with my children.
- I give myself grace when motherhood is hard.
- I pay attention to the words I use and choose powerful words that build up the confidence of my children.
- My children are happy and healthy.
We love these printable affirmations for motherhood – find them here.

Affirmations For When Life Gets Overwhelming
- I take a deep breath and release all my worries to the Universe.
- I am surrounded by love and support.
- I am capable of handling whatever comes my way.
- I am focused on what I can achieve daily, and release feelings of negativity and overwhelm.
- I am strong and powerful.
- I know that small daily steps lead to success.
- I take time out for myself and allow myself space to recharge.

Keeping a written list of affirmations that you can add to is a great way to practice your affirmation writing skills.
You may find over time, because affirmations are written in the present tense, affirmations, and goals you had focused on are no longer relevant because you’ve already achieved them.
This, in itself, is a powerful tool to help you see your own success and growth written right in front of you.
How To Use Your Own Affirmations
While there are no specific rules on how to use your affirmations, these are some suggestions to help you find a way that works for you.
Remember, the most powerful way to use affirmations in order for them to work on a subconscious level is to find a way that you can use them daily. You don’t need to do the same thing every day, but finding a way you can add an affirmation on a daily basis, is going to give you the best results.
1 – Use Morning Affirmations
Create a list of morning affirmations that are helpful for you to begin your day.
Allow you to focus on the things you want to achieve and the positive energy coming your way and choose an affirmation that is relevant for you that day.
Read More: 50+ Inspirational Morning Affirmations For Women (Start Your Day Right)
2 – Say Your Affirmation In Front Of A Mirror
A popular way to use affirmations is to repeat your affirmation to yourself in front of the mirror as you get ready in the morning.
If the idea of having to speak your affirmations out loud makes you feel uncomfortable, you can repeat them under your breath, or even write them on the mirror, or make mirror stickers of your affirmations so they are in front of you every day.
You might find it difficult at first, but challenge yourself to hold your own eye contact while speaking your affirmation. It can sometimes be more difficult to hold our own eye contact than doing so with another person, but looking yourself in the eye while repeating your own affirmation statement can be quite powerful.

3 – Speaking Them Out Loud
One of the best ways to use your affirmations is to read them out loud, with conviction, every day.
This is easy to do because you can literally do this anywhere you can imagine, whether it’s as you get ready in the morning, on your commute to work, or as you’re grocery shopping.
You can read them to yourself, or even record yourself saying them and play them back to yourself as you fall asleep.
4 – Write Affirmation Notes
You can also write affirmation notes and post them around your home or office as a reminder of what you’re working on manifesting in your life.
You can be as creative as you want with this, whether it’s hand-lettering them on cute stationery and leaving them around the house for yourself, or your family members to find, or typing them out on your computer and printing them off to stick on your fridge.
5 – Use Your Affirmation As A Journal Prompt
Some people like to write their affirmations down in a journal each day as part of their morning routine.
Using your chosen affirmation as a journal prompt can be a great way to explore any belief structures you have around that statement, and identify any negativity that comes up when you think of your affirmation.
You can literally use your affirmations in any way you can imagine and sometimes it can be fun to let your creativity run free and find new ways to include them in your day.

Do I Need To Say My Affirmations Daily?
In order to create lasting change and rewire your brain, it is important that you say your affirmations every day.
Carve out some time each morning or evening to repeat them to yourself, and try to keep them at the forefront of your mind throughout the day so you can catch yourself when negative thoughts start to creep in.
You can even put up reminder notes around your house or office, or set alarms on your phone to remind you to say your affirmations.
Some people prefer to choose a single affirmation to focus on each day, depending on what is relevant to them that day.
Or you can choose to write affirmations in the present, creating them as you go and as you need them based on your goals, your current beliefs, and what positive thoughts you’d like to encourage.
The more you practice speaking them, the easier it will become, and eventually, they will become second nature.
Studies show that in order for affirmations to truly help and have an effect on our mind, we need to use affirmations daily, and ideally, use affirmations several times throughout the day.
Read More: Writing Affirmations For 21 Days – Should You Do It?

Final Thoughts On Positive Affirmations
Positive affirmations are an incredibly powerful tool that can help you to create lasting change in your life.
By repeating positive statements to yourself, you can retrain your brain to focus on the positive, and eventually, you will start to see evidence of your affirmations in your life.
Use affirmations daily, and be creative with how you use them. You can write them down, say them out loud, or even make them into stickers or posters to hang around your home or office.
The more you use them, the more effective they will be, so start writing your own affirmations today and include an affirmation practice in your daily routine and you’ll see big changes in no time.