7 Things You Must Do To Get Out Of Debt
When you make the decision to get out of debt, it can be a little overwhelming to know where to start. It’s not enough to simply say that you want to be…
When you make the decision to get out of debt, it can be a little overwhelming to know where to start. It’s not enough to simply say that you want to be…
Ever get that feeling that you’re just drowning in debt and you don’t know how to get out of it? Or feel like you just seem to keep paying off debt, and…
You know when you’re at the point where the idea of going grocery shopping seems like a bit of a luxury, and instead you’re just trying to get by and eat when…
Whenever I hear people talking about their emergency fund, it always ends up with the same question: do you need an emergency fund before you pay off debt? After all, we say…
Oh, beautiful credit card… I have to admit, I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with my credit card. Yup, I have one. Despite so many finance guru’s saying you shouldn’t…
So you’ve got some big financial goals hey? That’s awesome! But now what? The fastest way to achieve your financial goals is to either earn more money, or save more money. It…
When you decide you want to start eliminating your debt (as in getting rid of it completely, not just paying off debt), it is easy to become overwhelmed. Whether you’re in a…
Have you ever considered being debt free to be a habit? It’s probably not something we would consider often. We think of habits as things like eating healthy and exercising, something that…
Sometimes we find ourselves in situations where we realize we need to build up an emergency fund fast, but often it’s not until something big comes up that we realize how important…
There’s a big mental shift when you decide you want to become debt free. Most people don’t really think about it, and many don’t even know when their debts will be paid…